Saturday, November 20, 2010


Come join the ranks of Storming Pride. Kitura is ready to start his own pride but his daughters are yet to little to hunt. He needs more lions to join, are you worthy enough to fight for family and hunt for the young and old. Prepare yourself because you never know whats going to happen in Storming Pride.


Rank(second in command, hunter/fighter, apprentice, queen, cub, elder):
Description(scars, color, eye color, etc.):
Mate/Crush(A lion has to meet each before being in love):


  1. Name: Nulma (NUL-MA)
    Rank(second in command, hunter/fighter, apprentice, queen, cub, elder): Cub
    Description(scars, color, eye color, etc.): She sandy fur lighter under the belly brown has a darker forhead brown eyes
    Personality: fun, playful, strong, kind, loves to tease her brother, fast, and smart
    Kin: Kita (Mother) Somore (Brother)
    Mate/Crush(A lion has to meet each before being in love): None

    Name: Somore (SO-MORE)
    Rank(second in command, hunter/fighter, apprentice, queen, cub, elder): Cub
    Description(scars, color, eye color, etc.): He is a dark sand color with a darker forhead and his
    Personality: FUn, Loving playful loves exploring, can never keep his paws clean, smart, fast, strong, and hates his sister bugging him
    Kin: Kita (mother) Nulma (Sister)
    Mate/Crush(A lion has to meet each before being in love):None

    Rank(second in command, hunter/fighter, apprentice, queen, cub, elder):Queen
    Description(scars, color, eye color, etc.): a light sandy color with brown eyes and has scars on her ears, she has a very light under belly.
    Personality: Quiet, fast, stong, a good hunter, loving, strict, and will do anything to save her cubs.
    Kin: Somar(Son) Nulma(Daughter)
    Mate/Crush(A lion has to meet each before being in love): None

    Name: Soclo (SOCK-LOW)
    Rank(second in command, hunter/fighter, apprentice, queen, cub, elder): Apprentice (Fighter)
    Description(scars, color, eye color, etc.):sandy fur and brown eyes he is young so his mane is not fully grown
    Personality: Stong Brave, KNows when to be quiet and when to talk, Fast, ferce in battle, proud, can be to feirce in battle sometimes
    Kin: None
    Mate/Crush(A lion has to meet each before being in love): None

    (if you want you can change the name spelling on all of them to make its look like it sounds and i prob. spelt alot of things wrong XD thx)

  2. Name: Athan (ah-thon)
    Rank: second in command (if not then fighter)
    Description: He has dark sandy fur and a dark red mane, with amber eyes.
    Personality: Athan is nice, friendly, loyal, loving, and caring. He loves playing with the apprentices and cubs in his free time.
    Kin: Little sister is Icara
    Mate/Crush: none

    Name: Icara (ee-car-ah)
    Rank: apprentice
    Description: She has light sandy fur with darker spots and hazel eyes.
    Personality: Icara is smart, swift, funny, brave, curious, and loyal. She is also very cheerful and can brighten anyone's day.
    Kin: Older brother is Athan
    Mate/Crush: likes Soclo a little

  3. Kalira, but she is called Kali (KAH-lee)
    Fighter/Hunter (Is it possible to be both?)
    Beautiful honey-colored lioness with a dark stripe down her back and amber eyes. Kali, named after the goddess of death, has a fierce attitude and is stubborn. She never lets anything get into her way, except for her sister Mynara. Quite perspective and observant. However unpredictable and tough Kali is, she is always soft on cubs and injured animals. She will risk her life for anything she believes in.
    Kin: Mynara
    Mate/Crush: None, though beautiful is hard to snag.

    Mynara (MY-NAH-RAH)
    Fighter/Hunter (Is it possible to be both?)
    Stunningly beautiful pale, almost silver lioness with the same amber eyes as her sister. She is bright, alluring, sometimes shy, and extremely intelligent and perspective. Very observant, like her also highly perspective sister. However, any other traits are the exact opposite with Kali. Mynara loves to be around others, chat, and is usually very friendly. She loves to hunt, run, and laugh. Though she is kind and caring, she is still ferocious in battle, and never shows any quarter to her enemies.
    Kin: Kali
    Mate/Crush: None yet

